Wednesday 3 February 2010

All My Children

This post serves no purpose to anyone other than to give myself a piece of say a goodbye... 

Don't get confused...My children are my birds. I love them to death. I got them from my boy, as a gift and they each have a special place in my big ol'  heart. Yeah, I would consider myself a dog person, but birds are just as great...even though you can't take them on walks and play catch, my budgies have their own personalities and I adore each one...even though I have my favorite (shhhhh).  

I had to dedicate a post to my feathered friends because I just recently gave away two of them. Having four was a little much and two of them were not getting along (they were fighting over the girl). So human like huh?  

Aren't they adorable? 

[caption id="attachment_293" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Snowball, Charlie, Summer & Blueberry"][/caption]


My Two babies left..... 

[caption id="attachment_294" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="They're a little sad"][/caption]


I feel like I have some closure now....I'm such a baby! 
